Higher Studies is managed in Israel by Dr. Orit Haller-Hayon, holder of an M.Sc. from the School of Business Administration at Tel Aviv University and a PhD in Management from University in the U.K.
Dr. Haller-Hayon has approximately 25 years of experience as a lecturer in a number of academic institutions and many years of experience in academic and organizational consulting, where she directed study programs and offered guidance in academic writing. Dr. Haller-Hayon conducts research in a wide range of fields and presents her findings at international conferences.
Dr. Haller-Hayon’s own experience with doctoral studies from abroad exposed her to diverse learning frameworks, allowed her to establish academic ties with researchers in Israel and abroad, and promoted her participate in international research.
The doctoral program is based on the principles of understanding students’ needs and integrating them into the framework of international academic institutions. This enables also Israeli students who wish to pursue doctoral studies abroad to realize their dream and become acquainted with new and fascinating worlds without compromising the quality of studies nor the contribution of their dissertation to research and academia, all while still maintaining their current lifestyle.
Higher Studies accompanies you step-by-step throughout the entire program by:
- Guidance at the different levels of interest in the doctoral program
- providing advice regarding writing your research proposal
- guiding you during the process of acceptance to the study program and the allocation of a supervisor
- supporting you during workshops abroad
- guiding you in the final stages of submitting your dissertation
- accompanying you at the graduation ceremonyThe goal of Higher Studies, AMUand PUEB is to enable the international students to undergo a different learning experience and enjoy doctoral studies abroad with first-rate lecturers without changing your lifestyle. Totally committed to the students’ success, Higher Studies, AMU and PUEB strive to equip the students with the tools that will allow them to become a part of the international academic community.
Let Higher Studies help you begin your journey for a PhD now!