ראש התכנית – סגן הרקטור של האוניברסיטה והממונה על המחקר ועל שיתופי הפעולה הבין לאומיים, פרופסור Ryszard Naskręcki
Prof. Ryszard Naskręcki is the Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Physicist, specializing in photophysics and optical spectroscopy and the physics of the process of vision. In 2002-2005 he served as deputy dean, and in 2005-2012 he was the Dean of AMU Faculty of Physics. In 2005 – 2012 he was the Chair of the National Forum of Deans of Faculties of Physics and the Directors of the Institutes of Physics. Since 2008 he has been the Chairman of the Environmental Accreditation Commission of Optics and Optometry. He is a member of the Committee of Physics at the Polish Academy of Sciences, where he now heads the National Committee. Education and a member of the Polish Physical Society, where he is the chair the didactic committee. He is also an expert of Polish Accreditation Committee. In 1994-1999 he held three long-term research fellowships at the Center for Nuclear Research in Saclay and at the University of Lille; he is a scholarship holder of the French government and Commisariat à l'Énergie Atomique. He has published more than 90 scientific, educational and methodological articles, and is the author or co-author of more than 100 after-conference reports.
The Faculty of Educational Studies – Prof. Dr Hab. Hanna Krauze-Sikorska
Hanna Krauze – Sikorska is a PhD, AMU Professor, and Head of the Department of Elementary Education and Pedagogical Therapy at the Faculty of Educational Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań. Her research interests evolve around issues concerning creative psychology and pedagogy, art therapy, educational problems, diagnosis, prophylactics and pedagogical therapy of children and youth with developmental difficulties and disorders. Author and co-author of many monographs and articles dedicated to creativity, education, assistance and advancement of the development of children and youth. She is also interested in the problems of Digital Natives and the use of new technologies in learning and teaching children and youth with learning difficulties. She participated in many research projects dedicated to assist in the development and therapy of children and youth with special educational needs.
The Faculty of Social Sciences – Prof. Dr hab. Witold Wrzesień
Witold Wrzesień (born 1965) is sociologist, AMU Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU), Poland. He is the Head of the Department of Sociology of the Family at the AMU Institute of Sociology. His main areas of interests are: sociology of youth, youth culture, generation, world of everyday life within the family. He is the author of four monographs and many articles dedicated to family life, system of family socialisation and control, generations and relations between generations, youth subcultures and youth culture. Apart from scientific and teaching activity he served as Deputy Dean at the AMU Faculty of Social Sciences and is Deputy Chief Editor of Yearbooks of the Sociology of the Family.
The Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology – Prof. Dr hab. Anna Piotrowicz
Anna Piotrowicz (born 1957) is AMU Professor of Polish linguistics at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology. She is also Deputy Dean for Domestic and International Cooperation at this Faculty and Head of the Chair of Polish Language Phraseology and Culture. Her research interests revolve around contemporary Polish, the culture of verbal communication, Poznan urban dialect, vocabulary of social life, cosmetic vocabulary, lexicography in theory and practice. She is the author of four monographs (one of them is co-authored), three vocabularies (as a co-author) and over 65 articles (some of them are co-authored). An important part of her academic activity is teaching and conducting MA and PhD seminars. She is a member of the Sociolinguistics Commission, International Committee of Slavists.
The Faculty of Political Science and Journalism – Dr Tomasz Brańka
Dr. Tomasz Brańka, researcher and lecturer of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Deputy-Dean for International Relations. His research interests are related to the Baltic Sea region, indigenous peoples’ issues, regionalization and autonomous regions. In 2007 he defended his doctoral thesis concerning the autonomous regions of Nordic countries as non-sovereign actors of international relations. The member and lecturer of the Baltic University Programme (BUP). Dr Branka was studying at Södertörns högskola, Stockholm, Sweden and was awarded several research grant e.g.: in Denmark, Greenland, Finland. Dr Branka was a guest-lecturer in several European universities e.g. University of Malaga (Spain); Doğuş University (Turkey); Liepaja University (Latvia) and University of Lapland (Finland).
The Faculty of History – Dr Rafał Witkowski
Rafał Witkowski, born in 1967, studied at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, and graduated from the Department of History (1991) and Department of Modern Languages (1994); has been working at the Adam Mickiewicz University since 1991; his Ph.D. dissertation was awarded by the Prime Minister of Poland as the best in history in 1997; member of the Historical Committee of the Poznań Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Sciences; visiting professor at the Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA in 1999-2000; currently vice dean of the Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz University.
The Faculty of Law and Administration – Prof. UAM Dr hab. Tomasz Nieborak
Tomasz Nieborak Ph.D., Dr. Habil. (Born 1976) holds a position of Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU). His research interests evolve around issues concerning the regulation of financial markets, finance of the European Union and Law & Economics. He is author of over fifty publications (in the field of financial law, tax law, European law) including two monographs, commentaries on judgments and legal texts and academic publications. His research experience includes funded scholarships from the Polish Ministry of Science, the Foundation for Polish Science, the Polish National Science Centre and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). Currently, Prof. Nieborak is serving a four-year term as Deputy-Dean for Research and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Law and Administration.
The Faculty of Modern Langauges and Literature – Prof. Dr hab. Maciej Karpiński
Maciej Karpiński (born 1968) is Professor Extraordinarius at the Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His research interests include prosody and dynamics of dialogue, multimodal communication as well as spoken language corpora and speech technology. He has been collaborating with a number of resaerch centres in Europe (Europa Universität Viadrina, Universität Bielefeld, Universitat de Barcelona, Universität zu Köln, IIASS in Vietri sul Mare, Oxford University, and others). He has participated in numerous projects and initiatives confessed to both basic and applied research in phonetics and multimodal communication. Presently, Maciej Karpiński serves as Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature. He is also the Head of Doctoral School at the same Faculty and the leader of DiaGest Research Group at the Centre for Speech and Language Processing AMU.
The Faculty of English – Prof. Dr hab. Joanna Pawelczyk
Joanna Pawelczyk is Assistant Professor of sociolinguistics and discourse studies in the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU), Poland. Her research interests include language and gender studies, communication in professional settings, discourses of helping professions (psychotherapy in particular), discourses of loss and bereavement, and her primary research methodology is discourse analysis and interactional sociolinguistics. She has also extensive experience in conducting ethnographic fieldwork and has published in a range of international journals and in edited collections on the discourse of psychotherapy and loss, language and gender and professional discourse. She has currently begun her four-year term as Deputy Dean for PhD studies at the Faculty of English.
Dr Agnieszka Ruta, International Program Manager
Dr Agnieszka Ruta. In February 2020, she took a position at the Doctoral School Office at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and she is responsible for the implementation of programs as an international educational advisor. She completed doctoral studies at the Poznań University of Economics. She has professional experience working in managerial positions in large international companies. An academic lecturer for many years, who can boast of many management publications. Privately, a mother of two children, fond of traveling and various forms of active leisure, as well as a good book.